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Year 9 Curriculum - Religious Studies
In Year 9 all students continue to study the statutory requirements for Religious Education that mirrors the GCSE style course offered in Year 10. The curriculum in Year 9 is required to reflect the fact that the religious traditions in Great Britain are in the main Christian, whilst taking account of the principal religions represented in Great Britain.
Students will engage with questions of belief, value, meaning, purpose, truth and their influence on human life, as well as reflect on and develop their own values, beliefs and attitudes as part of their preparation for adult life.
The Year 9 Religious Studies curriculum includes:
Christianity - The existence of God and Revelation: Does God exist?
- Beliefs about God in the modern world
- Does the problem of evil and suffering prove God’s existence?
- Do miracles prove God’s existence?
- Teleological and cosmological arguments. How reliable are these at proving God exists?
- Creation. If God didn’t create the world, then who or what did?
- Special and general revelation. How reliable are these at proving God exists?
Christianity and Buddhism – Is it ever ok to take a life?
- What is crime? Should punishment always match the crime?
- Capital punishment – What does the law say? Is it ever ok to take a life of a criminal?
- Christian and Buddhist beliefs and teaching on Capital Punishment
- War – Is it ever ok?
- Christian and Buddhist beliefs and teachings on the nature of war including the just war theory
- Christian and Buddhist beliefs and teachings on nuclear weapons
- Abortion and euthanasia – what does the law say?
- Christian and Buddhist beliefs and teachings on Abortion
- Christian and Buddhist beliefs and teachings on Euthanasia
- Christian and Buddhist beliefs and teachings on Animal rights and cloning
This course will enable students to:
- Develop a deeper knowledge of world religions.
- Adopt an enquiring, critical and reflective approach to the study of religion, that can be transferred to their study of other subjects.
- Explore and reflect on fundamental questions and engage with them intellectually.
- Enhance their spiritual and moral development.
- Enhance their personal, social and cultural development, their understanding of different cultures locally, nationally and in the wider world and to contribute to social and community cohesion.
- Reflect on and develop their own values, opinions and attitudes in light of their learning.
Assessments will take place in class throughout the year.
Religious Education is directed by the Locally Agreed Syllabus of Hampshire, Living Difference. Parents/carers maintain the right to withdraw their children from Religious Education. Permission to withdraw students from Religious Education should be addressed to the Headteacher. No reason is required by law for this withdrawal.
Enquiries to: Mrs C Wartnaby - Learning Leader: Religious Studies