Years 10 & 11 Curriculum - Science - Combined

Syllabus: Combined Science: Trilogy                                                    Exam Board: AQA

From September of Year 10, students will continue to study the GCSE AQA syllabus for Science. Students will be following the curriculum pathway that has been recommended to ensure that they achieve the best possible outcome at GCSE. As a reminder this is the Combined Science route (worth two GCSEs) or the Separate Science route (worth three GCSEs).

It is important to highlight that all Science A level courses are written to follow on from the Combined Science route and, therefore, not completing the Separate Science pathway at GCSE does not eliminate the ability to study any Science at A level.

In Year 10, all students will study the same topics, including.

  • Biology topics – Infection and Response, Bioenergetics, and homeostasis
  • Chemistry topics – Quantitative Chemistry, Chemical Change and Energy Change
  • Physics topics – Particle model of matter, Atomic Structure, and waves

In Year 11, students will study the remaining topics, including.

  • Biology topics – Inheritance, Variation and Evolution and Ecology
  • Chemistry topics - Organic Chemistry, Chemistry of the Atmosphere and Using Resources
  • Physics topics – Forces, Magnetism and Electromagnetism and space

There are three main assessment points using GCSE past papers at the end of each set of Biology, Chemistry and Physics topics that inform students’ progress and OTFGs throughout year 10. We continue to monitor progress closely to ensure students are following the correct pathway.

The final examinations will also include assessment of practical Science skills, Maths skills and the subject content that has been studied.

The science department use an online platform for home learning. The home learning has been organised to ensure students are revisiting previous learning. This also provide immediate feedback to students and teachers regarding student progress and gaps in learning that can be addressed.  Following student feedback home learning will also be punctuated with practice exam questions and marking guidance to increase student practice and understanding of marking guidance.

Final examination - Combined Science (two GCSEs)

  • Total of six exams at the end of Year 11; two for Biology, two for Chemistry and two for Physics.
  • Each exam is worth 70 marks, lasting for 1 hour and 15 minutes.
  • 15% of the paper will be based on practical skills.

We recommend that students purchase the Oxford revision guides as recommended by the class teacher.

Enquiries to:

Mrs A Hunter – Learning Leader: Science
