PSHE Overview - Summer Term

Term Summer 1 Summer 2
Unit Relationships Changing me
Year 7 Characteristics of healthy relationships, consent, relationships and change, emotions within friendships, peer on peer abuse, rights and responsibilities, being discerning, assertiveness Puberty changes, Reproduction facts, responsibilities of parenthood, IVF, types of committed relationships, media and self-esteem, self-image, brain changes in puberty, factors affecting moods, sources of help and support
Year 8 Positive relationship with self, social media and relationship with self, negative self-talk, managing a range of relationships, peer on peer abuse, personal space, online privacy, bullying and personal safety, social media issues and the law, coercion, unhealthy balance of power in relationships, sources of support Types of close intimate relationships, physical attraction, love, legal status of relationships, behaviours in healthy and unhealthy romantic relationships, pornography, sexuality, alcohol and risky behaviour
Year 9 Healthy relationships, power and control in intimate relationships, risk in intimate relationships, importance of sexual consent, sex and the law, pornography and stereotypes, contraception choices, age of consent, family planning, consequences of unprotected sex, STIs, support and advice services Mental health stigma, triggers, support strategies, managing emotional changes, resilience and how to improve it, reflection on importance of sleep in relation to mental health, reflection on changes, benefits of relaxation
Year 10 Sustaining long-term relationships, intimacy, healthy relationship with self Attraction, love, lust Relationship choices, ending relationships safely, consequences of relationships ending e.g. bullying, peer on peer abuse, revenge porn, grief- cycle, Impact on family understanding love, fake news, pornography Impact of societal change on young people, role of media on societal change, reflection on change so far and how to manage it successfully, decision making, sexual identity gender, spectrum of sexuality, stereotypes in romantic relationships, sexual identity and risk, physical and emotional changes, family change, sources of support


Enquiries to:

Mrs Wartnaby – Learning Leader: PSHE (