Years 10 & 11 Curriculum - Creative iMedia

Award Level1/2 Cambridge Nationals in Creative iMedia

Exam Board: OCR     Course Code: J834 (120GLH)            


Level 2 Cambridge Nationals in Creative iMedia

This qualification will assess the understanding of creative media skills through a written exam and their application through their practical use in two non-examined assessment (coursework) units.

This course will provide learners with essential knowledge, transferable skills and tools with the aim of enhancing their employability when they leave education. The qualification will encourage independence, creativity and awareness of the digital media sector.

The Level 2 Certificate in Creative iMedia will appeal to learners interested in working in the creative and digital media sectors. It provides them with the core skills for researching, planning and creating products and assets for each piece of coursework and encourages creativity and originality with a vocational focus.

Students who are thinking of this course must have an excellent home learning record, good time management skills and good IT skills.


What will I study?

The Cambridge Nationals in Creative iMedia will equip learners with a range of creative media skills and provide opportunities to develop, in context, desirable, transferable skills such as research, planning, reviewing, working with others and communicating creative concepts effectively. Through the use of these skills, learners will plan for, create and evaluate fit-for-purpose creative media products such as digital graphics, characters and comic strips.

It is vital that students who opt for this course have good computer skills to complete the non-examined assessment tasks and good time management, as they will only have a set time to complete each element. Assessment topics are set by the exam board so an ability to work to a given brief is essential. Literacy is also a very important part of the non-examined assessment as quality of written explanation and justification makes up a significant part of the students’ final mark in these units.


How will I be assessed?

Students will complete the following mandatory units:

  • R093 – Creative iMedia in the media industry (External exam)
  • R094 – Visual identity and digital graphics (Internal non-examined assessment)

There will also be one further non-examined assessment unit:

  • R095 – Characters and Comics

R093 is assessed externally with a written exam worth 40% of the student’s final grade. This exam is sat in the summer of Year 11. The other two units are internally assessed then through non-examined assessment tasks and moderated by the exam board. Combined, these are worth 60% of the student’s final grade and will include elements of planning, designing, creating, evaluating graphic products as well as creating a portfolio of evidence with justification and explanation of what has been done, why and how it meets the brief.

An overall grade for the qualification is awarded to all students who successfully complete all units. Grades awarded are Pass at level 2 (P2), Merit at level 2 (M2), Distinction at level 2 (D2) or Distinction * at level 2 (*2).

As a Cambridge National, this qualification is equivalent to a GCSE with the gradings as following:


Cambridge Nationals Grade

GCSE Equivalent Grade
















Recommended Equipment

  • Revision Guide (available from Student Resource Shop).
  • Access to a PC at home (desktop or laptop), with a good internet connection and the ability to download software for practice and theory tasks
  • Access to a digital camera


Enquiries to: Mrs N Andrews – Learning Leader for Computing
