
The School expects the full support of parents/carers in maintaining the highest level of attendance for their child. It is a legal requirement that students maintain regular attendance. Attendance is regularly monitored by Tutors, House Leaders, our Pastoral Team and the Attendance Officer. If a student is absent for any reason this absence must be explained immediately with a note which is signed by the parent/carer.

Merits are awarded on a termly basis to students who achieve 95% or above attendance, as part of our Rewards Scheme.

Taking a holiday in term time is not supported by the School or the LA. National research shows that there is a very close link between attendance and the results achieved by the child. Parents are strongly requested to avoid taking holidays in term time. If this is absolutely unavoidable, a ‘Request for authorisation of absence for a family holiday’ form must be completed. The completed form should be received at least a week before the period for which you are seeking authorisation. The completed form setting out your reasons must be returned to Reception for countersigning and approval.

Request to Authorise AbsenceCode of Conduct Letter for Attendance

Attendance Booklet

Procedures for Leaving the School Premises and for Lateness Leaving School

If a student has to leave the premises during the school day, a note specifying the reason, the correct time of departure and the expected time of return is required from the parent/carer. The student should show the note to his/her Tutor who will initial it. At the specified time the student must present the note to Reception and sign out of school. If the student returns before the end of the school day, then he/she must similarly sign in at Reception. These procedures are an essential part of school routine to safeguard students. They are necessary, should there be an emergency, when we need to account for every student. A student will not be allowed to leave school during the school day without a signed request from the parent/carer.


Punctuality reflects a positive, responsible attitude and a respect for the school. We expect parents/carers to encourage and support their child’s punctuality to school. Tutors and the Attendance Officer will follow up lateness through the School’s First Response system.

Persistent lateness will be referred to the school’s attached Attendance Officer.

Attendance Registration Policy

Group Analysis by Attendance Category

Period: 04/09/2023 to 19/07/2024

Pupils' DOB Range: 01/09/2008 - 31/08/2019

Scope: Whole School 




Authorised Absences

Unauthorised Absences

Whole School










Number of Sessions


% Attend



