Governor Vacancies

Current vacancies : None

Meetings of Governors include discussion and presentations in a range of school matters including curriculum, recruitment, finance, as well as welfare and safeguarding of children and staff.

The requirements of the role include:

  • An interest in children’s education and the performance of the school
  • An open and enquiring mind and the ability to be objective
  • A willingness to listen and make informed judgements
  • The ability to work well with others
  • Commitment to undertaking training to be better informed and understand the role and its responsibilities.

Our governors are volunteers who work together for the benefit of the school.  They come from a range of different backgrounds bringing different skills and experience to the team.

Being a school governor is an enjoyable, stimulating and rewarding experience.  It is an opportunity to work with other governors and the Senior Leadership Team of the school to develop an understanding of school management issues, the well-being of the children and staff, as well as be involved in the life of the school.

The Governing Body’s Role is:

  1. Setting strategic direction of the School
  2. Holding to account – the Governing Body is responsible for holding the headteacher and senior leaders to account for the quality of teaching and learning, pupil progress, behaviour, health and safety
  3. Ensuring good financial governance – ensuring sound financial management overseeing the school’s budget and ensuring that resources are allocated to the pupils’ priorities and needs

As a member of the Governing Body, you would be expected to  attend a maximum of 4- 6 meetings a term in the evenings - including meetings of the Full Governing Body and its delegated committees, i.e. (1) Resources, (2) Welfare, (3) Standards and/or (4) Strategy.  Governors can elect which Committee(s) to join based on their skills, experience and interests.