Years 10 & 11 Curriculum - Performing Arts

Syllabus: Level 2 Vocational Award in Performing Arts (Technical Award)    

Exam Board: WJEC

*This course is an alternative to GCSE Drama. It does not have a written exam.


The Performing Arts Level 2 Course is an alternative qualification to GCSE Drama. The course allows students to explore text-based performance work, as well as devising their own work from a stimulus. Students will also plan how to plan, promote and pitch performing arts work to industry experts.

How is the course assessed?

Students will develop a portfolio of evidence for each unit and combine this with recordings of their practical work which will allow them to complete the course with a Pass (4), Merit (6) or Distinction (8). Units 1 & 2 are completed in Year 10, Unit 3 is completed in Year 11.

You will be assessed through project work.

For Units 1 and 2 you will undertake projects (not exams) in response to briefs. The project for each Unit will take 10 hours and be worth 30% of your qualification. For each one you will be given a scenario and will need to undertake a number of tasks.

In Unit 3 you will undertake another project (no exam) in response to a brief, which will take 20 hours and be worth 40% of your qualification. You will be given a scenario and will need to undertake a number of tasks.


Unit 1 – Performing

You will learn the skills and techniques needed to produce a successful performance of an existing work, such as an extract from a play or show.

Unit 2 – Creating

You will learn how to create and refine your own original work in performing arts, such as devising a piece of Drama from a given stimulus

Unit 3 – Performing Arts in Practice

You will learn about areas of the performing arts industry that need to be considered when responding to a commission and will consider these when coming up with and pitching your own idea.

You will develop a range of skills which are attractive to employers, colleges and universities including: Communication, Confidence, Learning independently, Organisation, Problem solving, Research, Self-discipline, Stamina, Taking on responsibility, & Time management.

Important Notes

  • You cannot choose both GCSE Drama and Performing Arts.
  • Once you start your course, you will not be able to change to the GCSE Drama course.
  • Creative and Performing Arts is suitable for those students that are competent in a wide variety of acting skills practically and have a good knowledge and understanding of the theoretical demands of performing work. Students should also be keen to develop their acting skills as well as their analytical, planning and evaluation skills throughout the duration of the course.
  • Please discuss with your Drama teacher and consider very carefully whether you should choose GCSE Drama or Creative and Performing Arts.

Enquiries to: Mr J Drake - Subject Leader of Drama and Dance
