Years 10 & 11 Curriculum - Fine Art

AQA 8202


Students must have studied Art in Year 9 to select this course at GCSE. The Fine Art course encourages students to develop their imagination and creative abilities to produce highly individual work. Across the course students will explore a variety of media and processes, creating personal responses to their own experiences, environment and culture. The course is suited to those students who have a passion and interest in Art and Design and who are willing to produce artwork at home, as well as in school. The course can be time consuming, and it will require students to work on their coursework each week as homework. Therefore, a good home-learning record throughout Year 9 is essential.


Students will have the opportunity to study 2 or more of the following areas:

  • Drawing and Painting
  • Sculpture and Ceramics
  • Print Making
  • Mixed Media
  • Photography: lens-based and light-based media

Students will analyse and apply aspects of artists/sources to inspire their work. It is a requirement of AQA that all students include drawing and writing in their work. Although the written requirement is minimal, the course requires drawing and research work to be done at home as well as in school.


(8202/C) Controlled Assessment – worth 60% of total mark

Students will have completed two coursework assessment projects by Christmas of Year 11. In each project they will be expected to respond to a theme by recording from observation relevant imagery. They will study appropriate artists/designers/sources and use the work to help them experiment with media to design purposeful ideas. Students will then produce an outcome(s) to complete each project.

(8202/X) Examination – worth 40% of total mark

In January Year 11 students receive an examination paper which will include a choice of topics.  Students will complete preliminary studies and ideas over an 8-to-10-week period. They will then produce a final outcome in a 10-hour period, unaided, under supervision. At the start of the exam period, they must hand in their exam sketchbook and hand in their final outcome at the end.


Students will need several A4 Sketchbooks, possibly A3 if they prefer working larger, as well as sketching pencils and colouring pencils. Books and some of the other materials can be bought using Scopay. If students wish to work on canvas, mount board or use other specialist materials they will need to be provided by the student and brought into school. The cost of materials required usually ranges from £30-£60. At times we run trips for this course, costs of the trip usually range between £25-£30.

Enquiries to: – Subject Leader – Art & Design