Years 10 & 11 Curriculum - Graphics

AQA 8552


  • You must have studied the course in Year 9 to be able to take it in Year 10.
  • The course is majorly based on designing, rather than making.
  • The course is only suitable for students who are self-motivated and capable of working independently.
  • The course requires students to undertake large volumes of work at home. Therefore, a good home-learning record is essential.
  • The course is not suitable for those students that just wish to do practical tasks.


The course is based on the designing and making of new products. You will learn about the world of design and gain an understanding of all the things a designer must consider before being able to create effective products. You will be expected to undertake weekly home learning tasks to gain a wide range of knowledge, which will help to prepare you for the GCSE exam. As well as producing a book of design theory knowledge, all students document their learning through the use of a design folder, including the development of drawings and justified notes. There is also time to work on developing practical skills, but the design folder takes up around 80% of class time, with 20% of time spent on the practical tasks.

Graphics students will use mainly card, paper and board to develop products.

The course rewards students who are creative and can develop original designs to a high standard. The course is well suited to self-motivated students who enjoy working independently and taking responsibility for their own learning. Students will benefit from having high quality presentation skills and artistic talents.


  • 50% - Controlled Assessment – Substantial design and make tasks. Students will have to work independently to produce a working prototype and a detailed design folder. The design and make task is set by the exam board.
  • 50% - Exam – A written examination including questions assessing a wide breadth of technical knowledge and understanding, plus extended design question. (50% of GCSE).


A3 folder to store their work in (these can be brought from the Student Shop, currently priced at £4) and a revision guide (these can be bought from the Student Shop, currently priced at £2.90 each). Students will also be expected to provide their own high-quality colouring pencils and fine liners. In addition to this they may choose to provide extra materials for the production of their final product. The product remains the property of the student. The expense usually ranges from £30 to £60 throughout the two years.

Enquiries to: – Learning Leader: Art & Design