Years 10 & 11 Curriculum - Food Preparation & Nutrition
This course is academically demanding and requires an interest in both the theoretical and practical elements of food preparation and cooking. It requires students to be self-motivated and able to work independently, as 50% of the final grade is awarded through the completion of two NEA tasks (unassisted coursework).
It is not suitable for those students who wish to focus entirely on practical skills.
- Food commodities
- Principles of nutrition
- Diet and good health
- The science of food
- Where food comes from
- Cooking and food preparation
Component One
A written examination (1hr 45min) which accounts for 50% of the marks.
Component Two
Two NEA tasks, which together account for 50% of the marks. These are completed in Year 11.
The first, NEA 1, is a scientific food investigation which assesses the candidate’s knowledge, skills and understanding of the scientific principles underlying the preparation and cooking of food (15%).
The second, NEA 2, assessment is a practical assessment where candidates are expected to plan, prepare, cook, and present a menu (35%).
All tasks are set by the examination board and carried out in controlled conditions.
There is an expectation to provide ingredients for practical cookery at least once per fortnight. It would also be beneficial for students to purchase a revision guide, which is available through school.
Students who take Food Preparation and Nutrition at GCSE should have completed their foundation year in Food Preparation and Nutrition in Year 9 in order to have the skills in place for the course.
Enquiries: Mrs Lorna Richard