Years 10 & 11 Curriculum - Statistics

GCSE Edexcel 2ST01

Course Description

GCSE Statistics gives students the opportunity to broaden their knowledge and deepen their understanding in a key component of Mathematics that is relevant to everyday life. Students will develop a core statistical grounding, as well as transferable skills and understanding that is applicable to a range of other subjects. Statistics encourages students to develop enquiring minds and become effective and independent learners. With a focus on handling data and probability, students will acquire an understanding of statistical concepts and methods.

Statistics is a suitable course for students with an aptitude and passion for both Mathematics and descriptive writing. The written element of Statistics is significant – as well as representing data, students will need to be able to write extended passages, analysing data and describing in detail its significance to the world. Statistics would serve as good preparation for students intending to progress to A-level subjects such as Mathematics, Geography, Sciences or Psychology.


Statistics consists of two calculator exams sat in the Summer of Year 11 which will each be worth 50% of the final grade.

Enquiries to: Mrs Brunink – Learning Leader: Mathematics
