Summer School

Each year, Brookfield liaises with junior/primary schools asking them to identify and nominate students they feel would benefit from having an extra transition to prepare them for secondary school. These students are then invited to join us before the start of the academic year for our transition summer school programme.

In the first instance please contact your child’s junior/primary school regarding your child being nominated for summer school.

The programme offers a combination of academic education and enrichment activities which are designed to also support student’s wellbeing. Our summer school programme is concluded with an activity’s day this year we will have a Falconry demonstration, team building activities to enhance their social and communication skills and to build their confidence ending after lunch with a cinema experience.

Our Summer School is led by our Student Inclusion Manager supported by members of the pastoral and ELSA team alongside members of our teaching staff. We provide all the resources for activities along with a mid-morning snack a hot lunch giving students a real lunchtime experience of how the canteen system works ready for September.

Please view an example of last year’s summer school programme below which will give you information on the range of activities provided. Students who attend summer school are supported by the staff team as they settle into Year 7 with regular catch-up sessions with their allocated staff member.

Dates for your diaries August 2025 and August 2026 summer schools are held on the last full week before the August bank holiday:

Monday 18th August to Friday 22nd August 2025 from 8.30am – 2.30pm.

Monday 24th August to Friday 28th August 2026 from 8.30am – 2.30pm.

Summer School Programme