Years 10 & 11 Curriculum - Statistics and Additional Maths

This option would involve the opportunity to take GCSE Statistics and the Free-Standing Mathematics Qualification (FSMQ) in Additional Mathematics.

Students who select this option would study Statistics in Year 10 and complete a GCSE in that subject at the end of the year. They would then move on to study the FSMQ in Year 11 and take the examination for this at the end of Year 11. This is a very challenging course and would be suitable for only very able mathematicians who are currently in Set 1.

Statistics                                                                Course Code: Edexcel 2ST01

GCSE Statistics provides students with a critical appreciation of Statistics and its place in everyday life. It encourages students to develop enquiring minds and become effective and independent learners. With a focus on handling data and probability, students acquire an understanding of statistical concepts and methods.

GCSE Statistics consists of two exams sat in the Summer of Year 10 which will each be worth 50% of the final grade.

Students will be assessed regularly during the course.

Additional Mathematics                                         Code: OCR 6993

The OCR Level 3 FSMQ: Additional Mathematics course is designed to build an understanding and appreciation of Mathematics outside the realm of GCSE, introducing topics from A-Level Mathematics and Further Mathematics. Throughout the course, students are encouraged to comprehend, interpret and communicate mathematical information in a variety of forms appropriate to the information and context, developed through critical analysis of a multitude of problems.

Additional Mathematics is assessed through a single exam during the summer of Year 11. The course is built around six areas of study: Algebra, Enumeration, Coordinate Geometry, Trigonometry, Numerical Methods and Exponentials and Logarithms.

Due to the demanding nature of the course, students who wish to choose Additional Mathematics should be aware that they will be assessed regularly and that they will be expected to practise their skills weekly through challenging home learning assignments. We recommend the A-Level calculator (Casio fx-991CW) for this course.

Enquiries to: Mrs Brunink – Learning Leader: Mathematics
