Years 7 & 8 Curriculum - Religious Studies & Citizenship

As a subject, RSc encompasses the teaching of Religious Studies and Citizenship – in just one hour a week. We aim for an inspirational, relevant and engaging curriculum.




Year 7 – Autumn Term

Hinduism – Who or what is God? Can he/it be known, or even worshipped? Where did the world come from? Do we have a soul? Does it matter how we live our lives? What is our duty? What happens after we die? How is death observed?

Year 7 – Spring Term

Islam – How do Muslims beliefs in God contrast with Hinduism? How do we feel awe? Do angels exist? Should I be good? How does a belief in God affect the life of a Muslim? (Submission, Struggle, Community)

Year 7 – Summer Term

The Island – A religion-neutral exploration of many of life’s big questions: How important is a sense of community? Do we need laws? How important is tradition?

Year 8 – Autumn Term (Citizenship taster unit)

Justice – How is justice achieved in the UK? What are the rights and responsibilities of the police? What are punishment options available, and what do they aim to do?

Identity – What does it mean to be British? Can you have multiple identities? How can we get along together as a community?

Year 8 – Spring Term

Buddhism – Understanding the building blocks of modern Buddhism, the responses to suffering, what the cure to suffering is and what Buddhism looks like in the world today.

Year 8 – Summer Term

Christianity – Who is Jesus? What happened in his life (and death)? What did he teach? What does that mean for Christians today?


During Year 8, students can choose to take Citizenship as an option for Year 9 (and then again as a GCSE option in Years 10 and 11) – a Religious Studies programme will continue until the Years 10 and 11 options the following year.


Enquiries to:

Mrs Wartnaby - Learning Leader: Religious Studies (