Years 7 & 8 Curriculum - Food Studies

Year 7

Time: 20 hours

This scheme of work has been developed to enable students to learn how to cook a range of dishes safely and hygienically and to introduce supporting theory which underpins future study. Students are encouraged to consider why things happen and apply scientific principles in a practical context, the appliance of Science.


Differentiated learning outcomes summary

All pupils will:

Most pupils should:

Some pupils will have progressed further and could:

  • carry out 3 practical cooking sessions, making a range of basic dishes.
  • be able to name a range of basic pieces of kitchen equipment. 
  • describe the principles of The Eatwell Guide and relate it to their own diet.
    Name the main nutrients provided by The Eatwell Guide food groups.
  • explain the 8 tips for healthy eating.
  • be able to name the main cereal crops and understand the main processes for making flour.
  • be able to explain how to make bread and select the correct ingredients.
  • carry out, with skill and accuracy, 4 practical cooking sessions, making a range of dishes.
  • be able to name basic equipment and understand it’s use.
  • describe and explain the principles of The Eatwell Guide and relate it to the diet.
    Name the main nutrients and their functions provided by The Eatwell Guide food groups.
  • explain and apply the 8 tips for healthy eating to their own diet.
  • know what the main cereal crops are used for and how flour is made.
  • understand the functions of the ingredients in bread making.
  • independently, with skill and accuracy carry out 5 practical cooking sessions, making a range of dishes.
  • be able to name basic equipment and understand and independently demonstrate its safe use
  • describe and explain the principles of The Eatwell Guide and use it when devising meals and menus.
  • name the main nutrients and their functions provided by The Eatwell Guide and recognise that the amount of energy and nutrients provided by food depends on the portion eaten.
  • explain and apply the 8 tips for healthy eating to the diet.
  • know what the main cereal crops are used for and how flour is made. A clear understanding of the nutritional differences between whole grain and refined products.
  • will be able to explain the reasons behind the selection of ingredients and the impact this will have on outcome.


Year 8

Time: 20 hours

This scheme of work has been developed to enable pupils to learn where food comes from, how to cook a range of dishes safely and hygienically and to apply their knowledge of healthy eating. Practical work is predominantly savoury dishes and healthier eating options are suggested.  Students with special dietary needs are accommodated as far as possible.


Differentiated learning outcomes summary

All pupils will:

Most pupils should:

Some pupils will have progressed further and could:

  • carry out 4- 5 practical cooking sessions, making a range of basic dishes.
  • identify a high-risk food and understand the importance of careful handling.
  • be introduced to different ways of thickening a sauce
  • apply knowledge of ingredients to design a dish for a specific purpose.
  • carry out with skill and accuracy 5 practical cooking sessions, making a range of dishes.
  • be able to explain why some foods have to be treated carefully and can name some pathogenic bacteria.
  • be able to explain what reduction is and what happens when flour is added to a sauce.
  • apply knowledge of ingredients to design a dish for a specific purpose and justify their choice.
  • independently, with skill and accuracy carry out 5 practical cooking sessions, making a range of dishes and present them well.
  • describe the principles of food safety and hygiene when cooking and manage their implementation independently.
  • be able to explain gelatinisation of starch and reduction using scientific terminology.
  • propose a design for a new dish taking into account the specific needs; apply their knowledge of ingredients and healthy eating.


Enquiries to:

Mrs Richard – Learning Leader: Food Technology (