Years 10 & 11 Curriculum - Sport Studies

OCR Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Sport Studies

(Equivalent to 1 GCSE)

Exam Board: OCR

Sport Studies takes a more sector-based focus, whilst also encompassing some core sport/Physical Education themes. Students will have the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge about different types of sport and physical activity, skills development and sports leadership to their own practical performance. They will learn about contemporary issues in sport such as funding, participation, ethics and role models, and sport and the media. Students will develop an appreciation of the importance of sport locally and nationally, different ways of being involved in sport and of how this shapes the sports industry.

What Topics Do I Study?

  • Sport and the Media = 20% of the final grade

Explore the relationship that media has with sport and understand how linked they are. The relationship to real world examples and the different ways in which sport and the media represent each other will be applied

  • Practical Performance and Leadership = 40% of the final grade

Develop skills as a performer in two different sporting activities. You will also learn how to lead sporting activity sessions. Also, you will analyse your own performance to help improve your own skills in sport.

  • Contemporary Issues in Sport = 40% of the final grade

Understand topical and contemporary issues in sport, including; why people do and do not participate in sport, the promotion of ethics and values, the roles of National Governing Bodies and high profile events have in sport, as well as how technology is used within sport.

How Am I Assessed Sport Studies?

Students are assessed through three different methods:

  1. Practical Assessment

Learners will be assessed as a performer in two different sports, and as a coach by delivering a sports session to a group of students.

  1. Written Coursework

Over the two years, students will complete a portfolio of coursework.

This can include tasks such as planning a sports coaching session and evaluating the strengths and areas for improvement, once the coaching session has been delivered.

Learners will receive theory lessons (in a classroom) and apply this knowledge into a range of coursework tasks. Coursework tasks are completed within lesson time and will often be completed on a school computer.

3. Examination

Learners will sit a 75-minute exam paper in the Summer term of Year 11.

How Will I Be Graded?

Students will develop a portfolio of evidence across the two-year course, through the three methods of assessment (listed above).

A final grade is achieved upon completion of the course:

  • Level 2 Pass which is equivalent to a Grade 4 at GCSE.
  • Level 2 Merit which is equivalent to a Grade 5 at GCSE.
  • Level 2 Distinction which is equivalent to a Grade 7 at GCSE.
  • Level 2 Distinction* (star) which is equivalent to a Grade 8 or 9 at GCSE.

Important Notes

  • You cannot choose both GCSE PE and Sports Studies.
  • Once you start your course, you will not be able to change to the GCSE PE course.
  • Sports Studies is suitable for those students that are competent in a wide variety of sports practically and have a good knowledge and understanding of theoretical Physical Education. Students should also be keen to develop their physical fitness and leadership skills throughout the duration of the course.

Where Can This Qualification Take Me in the Future?

Further Vocational and Academic Qualifications

The achievement of the Cambridge National in Sports Studies has the equivalence of 1 GCSE graded 4 or above. This course can lead onto further sports courses at college/sixth form, or apprenticeship in the sport and health sector.

Upon the successful completion of a Cambridge National in Sports Studies will develop knowledge, understanding and practical skills that can be used in the Exercise, Physical Activity, Sport and Health sector.

These skills will help you progress onto further study in the Exercise, Physical Activity, Sport and Health sector. This may be Level 3 vocational qualifications, such as the Cambridge Technical in Sport and Physical Activity, AS or A-Levels, such as Physical Education, Psychology, Sociology, Sport or Media or an apprenticeship in Community activator coach, Leisure team members, Personal trainer or Outdoor activity instructor.

Employment opportunities

The skills developed throughout the Sport Studies course, combined with further education/training will help you progress onto employment in the Exercise, Physical Activity, Sport and Health sector.

Future employment opportunities may include:

  • Sports Coach;
  • Sports Analyst;
  • Sports Clothing Designer;
  • Leisure Centre Assistant;
  • Personal Trainer;
  • Sports Physiotherapy;
  • Sports Journalist;
  • Sports Development Officer;
  • Strength & Conditioning Coach, and many more!
  • Please discuss with your PE teacher and consider very carefully whether you should choose GCSE PE or Sports Studies.

Optional Extras

  • Sport Studies top
  • Sport Studies Revision Guide (for the exam-based unit)

Web address for Specification -

Enquiries to: Mr Ablitt

Email: r.ablitt@brookfield.hants.sch.u